June 23, 2023
Market Trends

Using pronouns in your corporate email signature

Including pronouns in your corporate email signatures is also a way of promoting inclusivity and respect within the workplace. ToogleBox Data Access for End-Users feature enables seamless updates to Google profiles, allowing individuals to change pronouns (and even names) efficiently without disrupting daily operations. The Signature Management functionality then automatically reflects these changes in their email signatures, showcasing their chosen name and pronouns.

Include pronouns in your company's email signature!

As the world celebrates Pride Month, we want to recognize how common it has become to include pronouns in email signatures and Google Profiles. When companies support diversity and respect for all individuals, regardless of gender identity, it sends a powerful message of acceptance and inclusivity. 

At ToogleBox, we work towards making it easier than ever for employees to make those changes without going through different processes or waiting for HR and IT to complete this task. 

Reduce the number of steps required to include and change pronouns

If you’re considering adding pronouns in email signatures and want to create a safe and inclusive environment where individuals can easily manage their pronoun preferences without requiring extensive steps – we are here to help!

ToogleBox’s Data Access for End-Users allows employees to see and update their personal information in their Google profiles. You can enable employees to independently change pronouns (or even names) by updating their Google profiles quickly and efficiently without causing disruptions to the workplace. Then our Signature Management functionality will automatically make these changes and show them their email signature, reflecting their chosen name and pronouns. 

Where to put the pronouns in the signature?

It is recommended to position pronouns in the email signature either next to or below your name. However, you can adapt it to what best fits your email signature design. Here are a few email signature examples of where to place your pronouns.

Example: Email signature with pronouns next to name

Example: Email signature with pronouns below name

Example: Email signature with pronouns after job title

Need help? ToogleBox is the simplest way to automate the process of including pronouns in your email signature. 

Accepting and using someone's chosen name and pronouns in the workplace is essential to show our respect and acceptance for all members of the LGBTQ+ community.