Our Configuration Panel, exclusively for domain administrators, allows you to control nearly everything about how ToogleBox works and who can perform what task. It is accesible through the sidebar or by clicking the gear in the Homepage's superior right corner.
The first option, Domains, includes the Services per Domain view, which makes simpler identifying which services are active for each domain. When having multiple domains, our new Domains per Service view allows to rapidly activate new services in all domains simultaneously, with just one click.
The Administrators view remains the same, but it can now be accessed directly from the Configuration Menu. New admins can be added by the Superadmin as authorized users, with their specific roles. External users can also be added, if needed.
The same applies to the Roles feature. It can also be accessed directly from the Configuration Menu. But we have defined new roles such as Data Control Administrator and Payer, allowing other authorized users to perform online payments.
When it comes to Payment, we have developed a completely new system. Authorized users will be able to visualize all the payment information, search or download payment history records. Other authorized users can now make payments. Reminder notifications will be displayed on the homepage with the next renewal service date to avoid late payments.