July 20, 2023
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Best practices for User Lifecycle Management

If you are looking for a way to streamline your HR and IT processes, User Lifecycle Management is a great option. By automating user provisioning and deprovisioning, you can save time and effort, enhance data security, and ensure seamless collaboration among teams. ToogleBox provides essential features for automated onboarding and offboarding, such as assigning a corporate email signature, granting access to files and folders, updating distribution lists, suspending and deleting accounts, and removing ex-employees from address books.

Streamlining Workforce Efficiency

What is User’s Lifecycle Management?

User Lifecycle Management refers to an approach that enables organizations to automate employee onboarding and off-boarding processes.  For the HR and IT departments, it means creating a single identity for an employee to grant them all the required access to systems and resources based on some pre-existing rules. 

User Provisioning can be initiated by events such as hiring, promotions, or department transfers. Conversely, User Deprovisioning is usually performed when an employee leaves a company, or when the user's access is no longer needed for any other reason. 

Automating User Lifecycle Management

User Lifecycle Management is becoming necessary for any growing organization. Manual workflows that used to take hours and were susceptible to mistakes can now be replaced by an agile, automated provisioning process facilitated by tools like ToogleBox

How to make user provisioning and deprovisioning easier?

ToogleBox provides essential features perfectly suited for businesses looking for automated onboarding and off-boarding processes, guaranteeing data protection and giving time-saving benefits for administrators.

User's Lifecycle with ToogleBox

With ToogleBox, creating a new account in your Directory triggers several automatic actions: 

  1. Assigning a corporate email signature.
  2. Granting access to all files and folders needed from induction period documentation to required files for their current job position.
  3. When  the External Contacts Sync feature is enabled, contact information is automatically synchronized, allowing users to view and access those contacts. This synchronization of contacts can happen between different organizations, especially if they are part of the same corporation.
  4. Updating all the distribution lists for the new employee, ensuring effective communication among the different teams. 
  5. When deprovisioning an employee, the account should be suspended and deleted, giving the option to securely store the info using an archiving service such as ArkiveBox
  6. Furthermore, ex-employees will be removed from all end-users' address books if the Internal Contact Sync is activated. Consequently, these former employees will no longer be suggested as recipients when composing emails. Additionally, any groups in which the ex-employees were members will be updated, removing them from the group lists.

Transferring an employee to a new project, department, or job position

ToogleBox automatically updates all distribution lists in this scenario, ensuring smooth team communication. Additionally, all employees will have access to necessary files and folders, streamlining their transition and boosting productivity all the time.

The importance of implementing an effective user lifecycle management

Implementing effective user lifecycle management practices is essential for organizations seeking to optimize their HR and IT processes. By automating user provisioning and deprovisioning through tools like ToogleBox, businesses can significantly reduce administrative overhead, enhance data security, and ensure seamless collaboration among teams. This streamlined approach not only saves administrators time and effort but also empowers employees with the right resources and access, enabling them to be more productive from day one.