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Key terms for new users
Top level structure within InfoBox. Complete visual content that encompass all the created sections and its elements.
Content's organized units, composed by elements. Sections act like individual chapters in a book, allowing to organize and structure the visual message in a clear and logical way. Sections can be linked together to provide a cohesive flow for viewers.
Landing section
First section of a content which is viewed by the end user.
Fundamental building blocks of each section, representing the media types that can be added (text, images, cards, other internal content, etc.). Elements can be linked to open URLs, files, HTMLs or other internal contents.
Type of element. Rectangle which can include text and 2 icons (left and right).

It can link to URLs, files, HTML generated images (as a pop-up or in another window) and other sections ('Go to internal content').
Type of element. Text which supports simple formatting (right, center, left alignment, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, and color).
Type of element. Simple line that can be used to organize elements of a  section.
Upload image
Type of element. Image uploaded from computer files. Its width and border radius (squared vs rounded) can be changed.

It can link to URLs, files, HTML generated images (as a pop-up or in another window) and other sections ('Go to internal content').
HTML generated image
Type of element. Image created in the editor provided, which allows for customization, as well as mixing images with text. The editor also allows editing the HTML code directly, by selecting View > Source code.

It can link to URLs, files, HTML generated images (as a pop-up or in another window) and other sections ('Go to internal content').
Insert internal content
Type of element. Links to a section within a content (can be the same content or another one), and displays all the elements from that section.
This option, shown as a little pencil, allows you to edit the content while still working on it.
Save draft
Save while creating content.
Run Simulator
Allows to see how the content will look and function when being published.
Save content that is finished and is ready for approval
This option is used for final approval of content that is ready to be published. When choosing this option, you will see a list of all the approved and published content and sections, even the draft sections, from other users.
This screen is for setting up a publication. You have to select the audience to which the content will be published, the date range, and the published channel
The Unpublish button should be clicked to hide content from view and make it inaccesible.

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