September 12, 2022
Customer Testimonials

Read about Grupociencia's success story with ToogleBox!

"The implementation of ToogleBox features has been very easy for us! The comprehensive induction received by the support staff, complemented by the curiosity that has always led me to explore new technological tools, allowed us to successfully perform these initiatives and plan new projects that we will begin to develop soon." Jean Omobon - Systems Manager

Grupociencia is a group of companies located in Costa Rica, Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and the Dominican Republic. They are recognized as market leaders and key players in Latin America. Communities, institutions, surgeons, and patients benefit from the best-in-class products and services they provide in the areas of Traumatology, Joint Replacement, Sports Medicine, Diabetes Control, and the hospital line.

Once Grupociencia decided to implement Google Workspace to improve communication and collaboration between the different departments and countries, the IT department still faced the challenge of executing other projects related to the Google Workspace platform.

One of their main problems was the consolidation of employee information stored in different systems throughout the company. After trying to develop an application for this purpose internally, the implementation of ToogleBox offered them a definitive solution to update and control employee accounts centrally.

"Grupociencia has different guidelines for naming departments in every country. Additionally, there is the need to store extra fields, such as the emergency contact, country of residence, and hire dates." Jean Omobono -Systems Manager

These specific requirements were met using  Valid Values from ToogleBox. Once the custom fields were created, They set up controls using tables that allow them to select valid departments, depending on each country of residence.

In conjunction with this initiative, the IT department initiated a project for corporate signature to centralize and standardize it, also seeking to increase website traffic. Thus, once all the employee information was centralized, they created a fully parameterized template using the Signature Management feature to immediately generate all employees' email signatures.

Grupociencia sees ToogleBox as a helpful tool and wants to continue implementing new projects. Such is the case of creating employee distribution lists by country using Dynamic Group Management and updating employees' personal data by creating controlled views through End User Data Access.

"The implementation of ToogleBox features has been very easy for us! The comprehensive induction received by the support staff, complemented by the curiosity that has always led me to explore new technological tools, allowed us to successfully perform these initiatives and plan new projects that we will begin to develop soon."   Jean Omobono - Systems Manager